Kids Letters From God
Letter From God 26
Walking in the New Testament with the Writer - Dr. Luke

In Book 26 we traveled in the New Testament with the gospel writer Luke. While not an eyewitness to Jesus, Luke carefully interviewed those who knew Jesus. Luke gave us wonderful details of the births of John the Baptist and of John’s cousin Jesus in Bethlehem. He also gave us the great details of Joseph, Mary and Jesus going to the Temple and meeting Simon and Anna.
After the baptism of Jesus by John in the Jordan River, Luke explains how Jesus began his ministry. After the LORD’s Baptism, Luke covered the three temptations of Jesus by Satan and the way the village of Nazareth rejected the LORD.
We noted the number of amazements in Luke as he details the LORD’s miracles of healing, restoration of life, feeding the 5,000 people and the huge catch of fish. We also noted the LORD’s control of nature and the LORD’s control of demons in his three-year ministry.
We watched carefully how the teachers of the Law and the Pharisees rejected Jesus and began plotting to take Jesus’s life. We saw how the huge crowds began to gather. Most of them were there to be healed or were curious to see the miracles. Luke was the only writer of the New Testament that was not a Jew. Luke also wrote the Book of Acts.
Luke carefully records some of the parables of the teaching of Jesus. The parable of the sower and the soils — the good Samaritan — the rich man building bigger and bigger barns — the lost sheep — the lost coin and the prodigal son — the rich man with everything and Lazarus with nothing — and the King’s ten servants.
The amazing transfiguration of Jesus on Mount Tabor with Peter, James, and John was exciting. Moses and Elijah and the voice from God the Father in the cloud, saying, “This is my Son, my chosen One — listen to Him.”

My favorite person in Luke is Zacchaeus, the hated Jewish tax-collector, waiting for Jesus in the tree. He was so thrilled when Jesus said He wanted to go to his house. (see song)
As Jesus taught the disciples at the Last Supper, they did not realize Jesus was trying to tell them about his death and resurrection. After being betrayed by one of his disciples, Jesus went through two trials and was hung on a cross. Although the majority of the Jews rejected the King and his Kingdom, there were pockets of believers that knew Jesus was the promised Messiah-Savior. They would begin the early church after the Holy Spirit’s arrival at Pentecost.